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吳貞慧WU, CHEN-HUI., Professor and Chairman   

Highest Degree : Ph.D., National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan (Financial Law & Accounting)

Research FieldFinancial Accounting, Corporate

Governance, Behavioral Finance, Corporate finance


Office Tel No.05-2720411 #34509


HUANG, SHIN-MING., Professor and Chairman of E-Manufacturing and E-Commerce

Highest Degree: Ph.D., University of Sunderland, UK (Information        Systems)

Research FieldComputer Auditing, Legal Compliance Technology, Big Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, E-Commerce and E-Industrialization


                                             Office Tel No.05-2720411#16811 #34529

張碩毅CHANG, SHE-I., Professor and Dean of College of Management
Highest Degree: Ph.D., Queensland University of Technology, Australia (Information Technology Information Systems)

Research Field: Enterprise Resource Planning, Information System Control and Risk Management, Organizational e-Efficiency Assessment, Qualitative Research Methods and Applications.

Email: actsic@ccu.edu.tw

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34510

洪育忠HUNG, YU-CHUNG., Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D., Engineering Management, University of Missouri, US

Research Field: Enterprise Resource Planning, Global Operations Management, Knowledge Management

Email: actych@ccu.edu.tw

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34517

黃劭彥HUANG, SHAIO-YAN., Professor 

Highest Degree: Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University, US (Accounting)

Research Field: Accounting Information System, Auditing, Financial Accounting, Computer Auditing

Email: actsyh@ccu.edu.tw 

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34501

謝佩君HSIEH, PEI-GIN., Associate Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, US (Accounting)

Research Field: Financial Accounting

Email: actpgh@ccu.edu.tw

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34511


林岳喬LIN, Y.C. George., Associate Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D., Syracuse University, US (Finance)

Research Field: Financial Accounting, Finance, Capital Markets

Email: actycl@ccu.edu.tw

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34505


曹嘉玲CHAO, CHIA-LING., Professor
Highest Degree: Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University, US (Accounting)

Research Field: Financial Accounting, Auditing

Email: actact@ccu.edu.tw

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34503


WU,HSU-CHE., Associate Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D., University of Warwick, UK

Research Field: Prediction Models, Artificial Intelligence and Related Applications, Information Technology and Management, Electronic Business

Email: acthwu@ccu.edu.tw

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34519



CHO, CHIA-CHING., Associate Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Research Field: Management Accounting, Healthcare Management, Capital Markets and Corporate Governance

Email: chiacc@ccu.edu.tw

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34521



HSIEH, CHIA-CHUN., Associate Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D. in Business Administration (Accounting), University of British Columbia

Research Field: Financial Reporting、Textual Analysis、Analysts' Forecasts,、Corporate Governance、Earnings Quality

Email: cchsieh@ccu.edu.tw

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34507



CHUNG,YU-HSUAN., Associate Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D., National Chengchi University, Taiwan (Accounting)

Research Field: Financial Accounting, Auditing, Corporate Governance

Email: jerome@ccu.edu.tw

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34518



CHIU, HSIEN-LIAN., Assistant Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D., National Chengchi University, Taiwan (Accounting)

Research Field: Auditing, Accounting Information System

Email: hlchiu@ccu.edu.tw 

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34502


HSU, YU-FENG., Assistant Professor

Highest Degree: Ph.D., National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan (Information Management)

Research Field: Data Mining, Text Mining,  Financial Technology, Machine Learning, Corporation Going Concern Analytics

Email: benyfhsu@ccu.edu.tw

Office Tel No.: 05-2720411#34530

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