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WU, CHEN-HUI Professor



  mail :chenhui@ccu.edu.tw


  家 Office :Innovation Building Accounting Information Techonology 466




研究領域 Research Field:

Financial Accounting, Corporate Governance, Behavioral Finance, Corporate finance


科目 Teaching Subjects :

Teaching Programs:Teaching Information in 3 years (2024-2026) 

Year Semester Course Academic Courses Department
2026 1st、2nd Cost and Management Accounting (I)(II) Undergraduate Department of Accounting and Information Technology
2026 1st、2nd Cost and Management Accounting (I)(II) Graduate Department of Finance and Banking
2026 1st Accounting and Information Technology Project Research (I)(II) Graduate Graduate Institute of Accounting and Information Technology

Year Semester Course Academic Courses Department
2025 1st、2nd Cost and Management Accounting (I)(II) Undergraduate Department of Accounting and Information Technology
2025 1st、2nd Cost and Management Accounting (I)(II) Undergraduate Department of Finance and Banking
2025 1st Accounting and Information Technology Project Research (I)(II) Graduate Graduate Institute of Accounting and Information Technology
2025 1st Advanced Cost and Mangement Accounting Doctoral Graduate Institute of Accounting and Information Technology

Year Semester Course Academic Courses Department
2024 1st、2nd Cost and Management Accounting (I)(II) Undergraduate Department of Accounting and Information Technology
2024 1st、2nd Cost and Management Accounting (I)(II) Undergraduate Department of Finance and Banking
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